Thursday, October 31, 2013

My Video About My Future (10A)

            My midterm video project was on the athletic training program. I decided to video tape the athletic trainers in the Moore Field House athletic training room helping injured athletes. I videotaped myself to try and make it come from a personal point of view. It was hard to videotape myself doing the exercises so I videotaped other athletes who did the same exercises as myself. 
            I believed I fulfilled the requirements of the topic greatly. My video time was 5 minutes and 31 seconds. I didn’t want to make the video too long and have my midterm drag out but I also didn’t want to make my video too short so that I couldn’t put all the information I needed into my video. I have 3 students of all different ages in my video, Jaime is a sophomore, Lauren is a freshman and Julie is a senior who is soon to graduate with her athletic training degree. I also videotaped 1 professor so that the audience watching my video could get the perspective from a professor’s point of view.
            I believed that I had a very well put together beginning and middle. In the beginning I stated what I was talking about then showed myself walking from the dorm to the Moore Field House. I did this to inform everyone watching my video how to get there but also to lead them to what I am about to talk about. The only thing I wish I did better with my beginning was not have my hand as shaky and not have video taped myself walking their at 6am so that people would be able to see where I was. The beginning I spoke about the exercises I did and why I did them. I threw some video interviews in the middle to not allow my audience to get bored or feel that they are only watching myself get fixed. That is why I videotaped Jaime and Lauren two injured softball players who spoke about their injuries and how they were able to fix their injuries. The end of my video could have been better put together. The only thing I had for my ending was my athletic training professor’s interview and a soon to be athletic trainer. I put them at the end of my video to talk about their feelings about athletic training and their personal experiences with it. If I could add to this video I would put at the end of my video the athletic training door closing in slow motion while zooming in to the sign on the door that says athletic training room instead of just the title slide I made that says “The End”.
            I think I got the video done in a good amount of time with the dilemma I had in the athletic training room with the video tapping and I also had to switch computers so that I was able to use iMovie. IMovie was a little confusing to use at first but after I played around with it a little bit it was extremely easy to use. I think I told the story very well and kept everyone informed and interested also. I had the video and then explained in text what I was doing either before or after the clip was being shown to help the views know what is occurring. 
            I believe that I should receive an A on this project. I believe that I followed all the requirements, had a good time for my video and I handed it in on time. The only thing that I think is preventing my from getting an A+ is I can’t tell if I kept my viewers interested. I was interested in my video but that’s because that is the job I want to do for the rest of my life. It was difficult to try and keep them interested in something they probably aren’t interested in because if they were they would be majoring in athletic training. So I put two up beat songs that I know always make me happy and bright colors in my text to try and keep the viewers entertained and wanting to keep watching. 

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