Saturday, September 7, 2013

Initiative (2V)

Initiative: an introductory act or step; leading action
Initiative (own): taking actions into your own hands and making the first step in something.

While being at Southern Connecticut State University I have been able to initiate myself in many activities. I have done so by being sociable and outgoing trying to make new friends. It was a difficult task for me because most of the people that go to this University are from Connecticut and already knew each other so not only did I have to introduce myself to a group of new faces but they all already knew each other which was pretty intimidating. I also had to take initiation in getting my assignments done on time. I had to take a step and leave high school in the past. I needed to start getting my assignments done as soon as possible and not leave them for the last minute. I also had to take action and become more organized.

            In my exercise class I learned that Professional Organizations disseminate information to the public about safe participation in activities infer form of position statements and guidelines. This relates to my class because we have learned about many medical organizations. Examples: NATA, APTA, AAP, AAOS, NSCA.
            Another world I learned this week was Discrete Variables. I learned this word in my statistics class and it means that something quantitative variables whose values can be listed. This relates to my class because we are learning about graphs. 

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