Monday, December 2, 2013

My Strategy Behind Studying For Finals (15B)

Finals are coming up for my first semester as a college student and I do not know what to expect. I do not know what to study or what type of questions they are going to be. I am curious as to if the finals I took in high school are equivalent to the finals I am going to take in college or if all the preparation I did in high school wont help me prepare myself for finals.
            I only have one written test as a final and the test is in history. My professor gave us a study guide that I help to make a sheet of notes that I need to study. After going through my notes and writing down the things that are going to be on my final I made flash cards. I learn better by speaking out loud so when I read what is on the front of the index card I say the back out loud. Not only am I saying the answer but I am also hearing it.
            I like to study a couple cards at a time to drill the information into my head instead of doing all the cards at a row. I learn better by repetition so I have to look at the same notes over and over again until I know it. I do not listen to music because to many things going on at once will distract me.
            Another way that I am going to study for finals is by making inquiry questions for myself that I think I can see on the final. I would write the question on the front of the index card then will answer the question out loud. My friends are in the same class as me so we are all going to study together as well. We are all going to make questions up for each other and take a practice test that we have made in order for all of us to achieve greatness on our final test.

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